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Servitization's Hidden Secrets Revealed: Part Two - Practical Steps to Success!

In this two-part white paper, our aim is to explore the transformative world of servitization – a business model that transcends traditional transactional product sales and centres on delivering outcome-based service offerings. However, as we shall explore, fully outcome-based service offerings are just one expression of servitization…

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This full-length fifteen page white paper is available exclusively to our FSN PRO members.

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Read this powerful paper authored by two key leaders in the area of servitization...

Picture of Justin Konopaske

Justin Konopaske

Justin Konopaske is the Director of Industry Solutions at Syncron. He has extensive knowledge in both engineering and service from his time working in the aerospace industry. Justin has also spent time as a solution engineer for field service management solutions. In his current role, Justin leverages his experience to ensure Syncron products are aligned to value across industries.

Picture of Kris Oldland

Kris Oldland

Kris Oldland is the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Field Service News. He is widely acknowledged as one of the world's leading authors and speakers on a number of critical areas of field service management including servitization, remote service strategy and developing leadership within field service organisations.

Are you a field service management professional trying to understand how servitization will impact your business?

These two highly-respected industry leaders have come together to author a definitive guide to the complex conversation of making servitization work discussing the goals and challenges from a technology, people and process perspective.