Think Tank Sessions: Do we need to redefine field service? US Edition (2022)
US Think Tank Session: Do we need to redefine field service completely? US Think Tank Session: Do we need to redefine field service...
EU Think Tank Session: Do we need to redefine field service? (2022)
Think Tank Sessions: Do we need to redefine field service completely? In this ThinkTank session, the topic is part of an ongoing theme that...
Do contracts align with the value proposition?
Prof Dr Shaun West and Kris Oldland discusses discuss why it could be a problem when contracts do not align with the value proposition.
The Fundamentals of Service Haven’t Changed over Time
Prof Dr Shaun West and Kris Oldland discuss how service organizations had to change and adapt to new ways of delivering service, but its fundamentals of service haven’t changed over time.
Think Tank Sessions: Adapting the Organisation to Move Towards Customer Success
Think Tank Sessions: Adapting the Organisation to Move Towards Customer Success Living in an era of risk and instability, it is more...
Think Tank Sessions: Why Customer Success Matters
Think Tank Session: Why Customer Success Matters By pro-actively eliminating potential customer problems and pro-actively fixing those...
Think Tank Sessions: The Journey to Customer Success
Establishing a model where we can work within a customer success framework for our customers is one challenge. However, how do we bring...
Think Tank Sessions: Alignment with the Client to achieve Customer Success
Think Tank Sessions: Alignment with the Client to Acheive Customer Success The most crucial aspect of establishing an effective route to...
Think Tank Sessions: Digitalization and Disruption (Debrief)
Access the exclusive Field Service News Think Tank Sessions debrief deep-dive ‘Digitalization and Disruption’ with a FSN PRO subscription
Think Tank Sessions: Educating the Client to Succeed with Customer Success
Think Tank Sessions: Educating the Client to Succeed with Customer Success Educating the client may seem odd, but it can often be the case...