Introduction to Team Management

For many field service managers, especially those promoted from within, managing a team can be a daunting experience. This course is designed to give you some of the fundamentals of team management as you begin your career as a field service leader…

Course Description:


As a manager, you’re not just the “person in charge.” It’s your responsibility to help your team realize their potential. Solid team management brings people together to maximize their strengths, overcome differences, and achieve shared goals. By doing so, you improve performance, productivity, and employee satisfaction. A well-managed team makes everyone—including you—look better. 


In this course, you’ll learn tips to build an effective team, communicate better, and resolve common problems that naturally arise in a diverse group of people with their own interests. 


In this course we cover: 


  • What is Team Management?
  • What Makes a Team Effective?
  • Communicating with Your Team
  • Common Team Problems and How to Resolve Them
  • Team Management Tips and Techniques

As an FSN Service Leadership course you can expect...

Picture of Your Course Leader: Kris Oldland

Your Course Leader: Kris Oldland

In his role as Editor-in-Chief, Kris speaks to senior service leaders, leading industry focused academics and key solution providers every day and distills the insights he gleans from these discussions into the industry-leading content available on Field Service News.


Prior to his career in publishing Kris was a Quality Service Manager for one of the world’s most iconic hospitality brands and has also developed extensive knowledge in sales, marketing and management across an impressive and varied career working across multiple sectors alongside some of the world’s leading organisations.


This course includes:

This course is exclusively available for FSN PRO subscribers. Sign up now and access this and all other FSN Education courses plus access to over 140 premium resources.