Congratulations with the 2022 winners who are listed below and you can enjoy exclusive interviews with these exceptional leaders in our industry on the buttons below their category. Look out for in-depth interviews with the winners in our Digital Symposium section.
Field Service Leader of the Year:

Adam Barret
Adam has shown an exceptional ability to drive success in his team, through a mix of continuous personal improvement and a willingness to get his hands dirty working alongside the team which has fostered a fantastic collegiate culture within the UK Fire and Safety Services Division.
Highly commended:
Paul Hicking, Munters, Matthew Brereton, Bionama Genomics
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Field Service Team of the Year:

Graphic Service Team
A fantastic group performance across the year that saw Roland delight both customers and senior management alike by delivering effective service at every step. A genuine team spirit shone through the senior service management team who have shown great desire to stay at the forefront of service excellence.
Highly commended:
Hobart Service, Cubic
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Best Overall Field Service Solution:

IFS Service Management
For the second year running IFS has been voted as the clear winner in the category of Best Overall Field Service Solution. A fantastic achievement that reflects their commitment to our industry.
Highly commended:
Totalmobile, ServicePower, OverIT
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Innovation of the Year

FLS has been a pioneer in the field of dynamic scheduling for more than a decade - which was rightly acknowledged for their FLS VISITOUR.
Highly commended:
Service Intelligence, Aquant, HSO’s Azure Digital Twin solution
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Pioneers of the Year:

Amey Secure Infrastructure
Through exceptional use of digital transformation utilising multiple tools which saw the group win key strategic contracts through exceptional service delivery.
Highly commended:
Konica Minolta, Hologic
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Field Service Hero of the Year:

Martin McLean, Konica Minolta
MArtin has shown himself to be the perfect example of a technician dedicated to delighting customers. Showing great aptitude and a customer-centric philosophy he is an excellent representative for Konica Minolta.
Highly commended:
Tony Hayward, Hobart Service
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Congratulations to all our 2022 winners and good luck to all 2023 nominees.