FSN Debates

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FSN Debate: Is Servitization a Walled Garden?

FSN Debate sessions revolve around an interactive Q&A with a panel of subject matter experts discussing the most prevalent challenges and opportunities the field service sector faces with opportunity for questions and input from the audience as well. In this debate we will be discussing whether servitization is a walled garden or if there is a way for smaller non-OEM service providers to embrace advanced services as well.


FSN Debate: How Do We Avoid a Battle Over Recruiting Each Others Engineers?

FSN Debate sessions revolve around an interactive Q&A with a panel of subject matter experts discussing the most prevalent challenges and opportunities the field service sector faces with opportunity for questions and input from the audience as well. In this debate we will be discussing how we as an industry can avoid getting into a battle for each others engineers which will ultimately damage the industry as a whole.


FSN Debate: What Does Great Service Leadership Entail?

FSN Debate sessions revolve around an interactive Q&A with a panel of subject matter experts discussing the most prevalent challenges and opportunities the field service sector faces with opportunity for questions and input from the audience as well. In this debate we will be discussing what great service leadership entails, whether experience in the field is necessary and whether leadership is an inherent skill or one that can be learnt.
