Distributing Knowledge Across The Team Is The Missing Link To Creating A High-Performing Workforce

This final excerpt from a recent white paper published by Aquant analyses why distributing knowledge across the team is the missing link to creating a high-performace workforce…


Bridging the gap between where you are now and where you want to be


Now that you know where to look and what to look for in your service data, what’s next?


Distributing knowledge across the team is the missing link to creating a high-performing and engaged workforce.


Once you understand:


  • How your workforce is performing individually
  • The size of a skills gap across the organization


The next step is to figure out how to bridge the gap between where you are now, and where you want to be.


Artificial intelligence can get you there quickly and enable this transformative shift in the workplace.


Here’s how:


○ AI that understands your organization’s unique service language and can quickly analyze hidden data is the first step in turning service records into actionable information.


○ Next, using that data to map out your workforce and identify heroes and challengers gives you the insights that can’t be found by simply monitoring key KPI.


○ Converting your organization’s tribal knowledge (from your service heroes) into usable information and then combining that with your own service data creates a dynamic platform is the final clue to unlock hero status for everyone.


○ That democratized knowledge, which is as easy to access as a Google search, puts the power of your best experts in the hands of the whole team.


This white paper is currently available exclusively to all FSN PRO members. Subscribe today to have instant access our industry-leading library with over 130 resources, 70+ hours of in-depth conversation and our FSN Education Masterclass courses.

Want to know more? This feature is an excerpt from a white paper published by Aquant, now available to all our FSN PRO members.  Please either log-in or subscribe for access. 

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