Implementation, Deployment and Genuine Partnership 

As we have seen in the previous articles so far in this series, efficiency in field service isn’t just an advantage but a fundamental necessity to organizational success…


It should also be clear that key technology solutions such as Field Service Management(FSM) and Service Lifecycle Management (SLM) systems are vital in making allowing service organizations the foundational infrastructure that empowers them to meet those efficiency goals.


Yet, truly great solution providers offer far more that allows them to become powerful allies and partners as we shape our future success.

If you missed either of the articles in the series so far you can find the first article in this series where we put forward the idea that we should assess technology partners on more than just the technology itself here, or the second article where we explored the table stake technologies we should expect as a minimum here.


Even when we continue to focus on technology, there is more to selecting a solution than mere features. Indeed, scalability, reliability, and security are all in some way additional aspects of the technology themselves, even if they are not specific features such as dynamic scheduling or parts inventory management tools. 


They are a pervasive part of the solutions architecture. 


However, now as we continue the paper let us look at the now let us move beyond the technology entirely and focus on the solution provider themselves. 

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