The Path Forward: Harmonizing Global Teams

In the evolving field service landscape, striking the right balance between centralized and localized teams is pivotal for achieving service excellence.


In this article from a series of features taken from the white paper “Centralizing Decentralization”  published by Field Service News and Gomocha, we delve into the practicalities of harmonizing global and local entities within service networks and explores the transformative potential of ‘decentralizing centralization’ empowered by digital transformation.


As field service organizations pursue an evolving service paradigm that continues to drive service excellence and organizational resilience, they must focus on how to approach harmonizing global or centralized teams and local, regionalized teams across the fabric of service networks.


In the preceding chapter of this paper, we looked at both the benefits and challenges of the prevailing centralized approach and how a return to a more decentralized approach can mitigate these challenges. Still, of course, it may mean the loss of many benefits.


The main thrust of this paper is that we now have the potential to embrace the best of both worlds, empowered by digital transformation. We can harness the efficiencies of centralized models while securing the more resilient and reactive benefits of a decentralized approach.


Later in the paper, we explore the technologies that can underpin the digital transformation that allows such an approach, but first, let us examine the processes required to find the equilibrium that allows for ‘centralizing decentralization.’


Finding Synergy Between Global and Local Teams

Whether your service organization is a global operation with a follow-the-sun service solution or a national organization with multiple regional teams, you can apply decentralizing centralization.


The idea becomes more potent at a larger scale. However, while maintaining efficiency and consistency of the service through some elements of centralization, local empowerment is still felt for organizations with a smaller footprint.


As we have seen in this paper, exceptional potential is harnessed when global teams adopt standardized processes and specific layers of centralized decision making.

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This paper is available exclusively for FSN PRO/PRO+ members, but thanks to our partner on this project Gomocha it is also available for a limited period to those on our FSN FREE membership tier. If you are already a member and cannot see the ‘watch now’ button please make sure you are logged in. 

"Digital transformation serves as a vessel that can empower both aspects of this dichotomy, bringing it into harmony and bestowing real-time insights to global entities and centralized tools to local counterparts..."

However, the insights and reactions of local teams equally add an unparalleled edge through their innate understanding of cultural nuances and adaptability to regional idiosyncrasies.


Digital transformation serves as a vessel that can empower both aspects of this dichotomy, bringing it into harmony and bestowing real-time insights to global entities and centralized tools to local counterparts.


There is undoubtedly a synergistic blend across the two that

negates the idea of these two approaches being mutually exclusive.

Some of that realization arrives with the technological advancements we have seen in recent years; much of it comes from the disruptive impact of a pandemic and a global recession that has left us questioning the status quo, which we may never have done if not presented with challenges.


The combination of these two factors, though, does lead us to a position where we can now clearly envisage a third approach that builds on that synergy and establishes a service network that thrives through resilient adaptability while embracing the robust efficiencies of centralized structures.


A Balanced Approach: Crafting a Multifaceted Solution


This is the central pillar of the concept of Centralizing Decentralization.

This endeavor encapsulates the spectrum of global and local virtues within a more holistic and strategic approach to service strategy that focuses on customer needs alongside the core metrics that define well-structured service operations such as first-time fix, technician utilization, and profitability.


It is a dual-pronged strategy, where centralization and decentralization walk hand in hand, unlocking many benefits that resonate across the service landscape.


"In this model of decentralized centralization, responsive customer experiences become the keystone, built from the convergence of centralization’s efficiency and decentralization agility..."

The harnessing of the technology can allow for streamlining workflows, culminating in the attainment of standardized operations refined and road tested to prove effective.


The harnessing of the technology can allow for the  streamlining of workflows, culminating in the attainment of standardized operations that have been refined and road-tested to prove effective.


With scheduling, resource allocation, and reporting folded into a centralized platform, field service organizations can access the economies of scale and transmute redundancy into efficiency, enhancing operational dexterity.


However, decentralization sits on the opposite end of this spectrum, empowering local and regional teams to adapt their approach in resonance with regional intricacies.


As a vehicle for enhanced customer experiences, this decentralized facet provides field service organizations with the nimbleness to address regional challenges swiftly and precisely.


Adapting to ever-fluctuating landscapes, be it regulatory shifts or unexpected disruption, this balance between the consistency of centralization and the dynamism of decentralization, which has previously been incredibly hard to achieve, is now increasingly within reach for all field service organizations.


In this model of centralized decentralization, responsive customer experiences become the keystone, built from the convergence of centralization’s efficiency and decentralization agility.


The two previously disparate approaches are woven together through real-time insights afforded us by the technology we embrace with digital transformation.


These insights facilitate seamless alignment between global and local entities, culminating in a service organization that can flourish with operational resilience and customer interactions that resonate and grow service revenue.

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This paper is available exclusively for FSN PRO/PRO+ members, but thanks to our partner on this project Gomocha it is also available for a limited period to those on our FSN FREE membership tier. If you are already a member and cannot see the ‘watch now’ button please make sure you are logged in. 


Data usage note: By accessing this content, you consent to the contact details submitted when you registered as a subscriber to to be shared with the listed partner of this premium content Gomocha who may contact you for legitimate business reasons to discuss the content of this paper.
