What do our customers expect in terms of data use?
In this edition of the Field Service News Think Tank Sessions, our focus was on digging deeper into a finding within a recent FSN Research study that revealed that 57% of field service companies surveyed stated that while they were able to access asset data, they felt they were not leveraging that data effectively.
As always in our Think Tank sessions, this initial starting point for the discussion led down many interesting avenues of debate, all of which are summarised in the executive briefing report currently available for a limited time on our forever-free FSN FREE subscription tier.
In this article based on one section of that report, we turn our attention away from the internal challenges of data ownership and validity towards understanding how our customers expect us to use data to serve them better.
While many of the challenges around data management discussed within the industry appear to be related to internal processes, the ultimate end goal of many digital transformation projects is to serve our customers better and do so more effectively. This is often the driving factor in adopting a data-driven approach, but what exactly do our customers expect from us in terms of the way we handle and utilise data?
As Chris Hird, Editor, Field Service News, commented during the discussion.
“A lot of the discussions around data and effectively using data tend to lend towards the internal questions. How do we work out what data we need? And that might vary from the field service department to the marketing department to the governance department; who’s trying to piece it all together?
“However, I think it is also important to step back and consider within that process building how do we better understand what our customer requirements are.”
The answer lies in partnership and collaboration for Terence Horsman, COO, Orca Service Technologies/MCFT.

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"Do we need to shift to remote service? Do our technicians need to get there faster? Do we need to have greater parts availability?" Sumair Dutta, ServiceMax
“I think the only way to truly answer the question of ‘what data do your customers require’ is to work with your customers,” Horsman stated.
“There may be value in your data set that internally you wouldn’t even recognise. For example, MCFT maintains commercial kitchen equipment and fridges, and we work very closely with several OEM partners to provide warranty services.
“One of the questions that keep coming up is, from an OEM point of view, how do we determine whether a particular call was a valid warranty call or was actually operator misuse? This happens all the time; for example, when a customer installs a fridge in a non-ventilated area, the temperature goes up, and all of a sudden, the fridge fails,” he explained.
“It may seem like a basic issue, but believe me, it happens all the time. In such a scenario, the OEM doesn’t want to pay the bill for the warranty calls. So we work very closely with OEMs, in that case, to think about going beyond the data silos between our two organisations and delivering them data in a format that they expect so that they can make that decision a lot easier.
“Eventually that’s adding a lot of value for them and for the end customer. So from our point of view, working directly with customers whilst working on projects is definitely a way forward to creating more value out of the datasets that we owe.”
Indeed, often what the customer wants on the surface may be something we can already hazard a guess towards. Yet, when we look at the detail, this could mean different things to different customers.
As Sumair Dutta, Senior Director, Product Marketing – Customer and Market Insight, ServiceMax commented.
“The FSN Research report talks about some of the things customers are looking for and are beginning to demand more and more, and it’s no surprise that the number one answer was faster service. I think we all would anticipate that response, but what does that mean for us as service providers?
“Do we need to shift to remote service? Do our technicians need to get there faster? Do we need to have greater parts availability? Is it just faster response times or are we are we moving further towards customers actually looking for better outcomes?”
Where we have secondary or tertiary uses of data, we've found, through working with some of our sales organisation, that we're able to do a layer of business development for some of our customers using the data we have." Daniel Kingham, Elekta
“It comes back to that question of what do you want to achieve?” commented Daniel Kingham, Vice President and Head of Service Innovation and Design, Elekta, in response to Dutta’s question to the group.
“What does the customer want to accomplish with the data as well?
“Where we have secondary or tertiary uses of data, we’ve found, through working with some of our sales organisation, that we’re able to do a layer of business development for some of our customers using the data we have. We never designed the data for that purpose, but it’s quite fascinating to sit down and discuss the use of our products over the last five to ten years,” Kingham added.
“The sales team were very apprehensive initially. Their view was that if we presented this to customers, and they’re going to start challenging why we’ve got this data, or where do we get it from? However, not one customer has challenged that and every single one has opened a very different discussion on what they should be doing next.”
Indeed, there are different types of data being used in a wide variety of situations that can improve service operations. However, we will need to consider how the data is stored and tagged if we are to find meaningful insights out of it.
One such example would be the increasing use of video and photo data as a mechanism for documenting maintenance work.
As Mark Homer, Managing Partner, Field Service Associates, commented.
“In terms of technology usage, we are seeing growing uptake in video, the use of video, the use of imagery, the use of photography.
“Anecdotally, we had a smart meter fitted recently, and I was amazed at how many photographs the engineer took pre, during and after to prove evidence that he’d done the work.
“I thought that’s fascinating and obviously somewhere that is a set of data being stored, that’s likely to be mined via some sort of machine learning tool to tag it in particular way. But again, it was a third party contractor providing evidence to prove that something had been done accurately successfully, and really trying to minimise the effort required to type out a report. It got me to thinking that maybe we’ll see new data types as clearly, there are new attributes coming.”
While much of the conversation around data and digital transformation revolves around processes and technology, as we saw in a previous article in this series, working towards a defined use case can be a pathway to establishing better results. When it comes to defining a customer use case, we simply have to work with and alongside our customers, so the people part of the equation must also be considered.
If you wish to read more from the group on how the challenges, benefits and barriers to effective use of asset data then download the full executive briefing now (available for a limited period on our forever free subscription tier FSN FREE)
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Many thanks to our Think Tank members present during this session.
- Sumair Dutta, Senior Director, Product Marketing – Customer and Market Insight, ServiceMax
- Mark Homer, Managing Partner, Field Service Associates
- Rajat Kakar, Managing Director, QuickWork EMEA
- Chris Hird, Editor, Field Service News
- Dave Hart, Managing Partner, Field Service Associates
- Daniel Kingham, Vice President and Head of Service Innovation and Design, Elekta
- Mark Homer, Managing Partner, Field Service Associates
- Mark Wilding, VP Global Customer Transformation, ServiceMax
- Terence Horsman, COO, Orca Service Technologies/MCFT
- Clinten van der Merwe, EMEA Service Director, Smiths Detection
All members of the Field Service Think Tanks are speaking from their own personal opinions which are not necessarily reflective of the organisations they work for.