A Truly Unique Field Service Event...
The Field Service Symposium Retreat
October 10th, 11th & 12th 2023 | Surrey | United Kingdom
A Unique Field Service Event
The Field Service Symposium Retreat
October 10th, 11th & 12th 2023 | Surrey | United Kingdom
Days until the event:
Current availability:
Tickets Now Include A Full Year of FSN PRO+
Yes! FSN PRO+ members can attend the unique field service event the Field Service Symposium as part of membership – but tickets are limited with a capacity of 98 for the October Symposium and will be issued on a first come first-served basis so make sure you register ASAP!
If you have an active FSN PRO+ membership and cannot see the registration section at the bottom of this page, make sure you are logged-in here
Yet to join? Discover FSN PRO + on the button at the bottom of this page and sign up on either a monthly or annual membership and claim your place at the Field Service Symposium Retreat today!
IMPORTANT UPDATE: There is very, very high demand for spaces on this event and while we are currently exploring options for additional in-person events for our PRO+ members we cannot guarantee any additional in-person meetings until 2024.
Discussion Sessions Agenda:
Unique to the Field Service Symposium Retreat is the fact that the discussion hall is both a non-powerpoint and non-pitching zone. It is just a space for good ideas to flow between all in our industry – field service leaders, technology specialists all come together to share great ideas and work together in solving the issues our industry faces…
Day One:
- What are the key traits that make a great service leader?
- The skills that we should be teaching future service leaders?
- Is it key to have spent time in the field yourself?
- Can leadership be learnt or is it an inherent skill?
- Do service leaders need to understand the wider business?
- How do we build a sense of community amongst technicians?
- How do we bring technicians together?
- Should this be region by region or business wide?
- What are the benefits? Tech retention? Improved productivity?
- What are the challenges? Time away from the day-to-day?
- Can such communities be built digitally?
Opportunity to continue the discussion over a coffee break.
- How important for different regions to be the same systems?
- How key are cultural differences in unifying standards?
- How do we account for different regional regulations?
- How can we facilitate knowledge sharing across regions?
- Should triage be handled centrally or regionally?
Bring your questions to genuine subject matter experts in two thirty minute fast paced Ask Me Anything sessions.
Great food, great company, perfect.
In depth session that tackles a major issue in the industry giving you the tools to build your own framework for effectively taking your learning back from the conference and into a real-world project that can drive improvement in your service operation.
Opportunity to continue the conversations over a coffee break.
- Does servitization mean accepting cannibalising part revenue?
- Did the pandemic expose the risk in globalised parts logistics?
- Can we realistically stop third-parties copying our spare parts?
- Impact of last-mile delivery on parts logistics costs?
- What could the move to refurbished parts mean?
Day Two:
- Did the pandemic exposed the risk of outcome-based models?
- Do we need to different layers of servitization?
- Is there an increasing appetite for servitized offerings?
- Can a servitized model work in a traditional service operation?
- Has servitization at risk of becoming a buzz phrase?
- Does all servitization lead to fully outcome-based services?
- How do we identify the rising stars in our workforce?
- How do we provide better understanding of wider business?
- How can we ensure that those service leaders we develop stay?
- 3 key skills that we wish we had been taught when we started?
Opportunity to continue the discussion over a coffee break.
- How do sustainability goals align to service best-practices?
- Some inherent elements of field service will always be carbon generating – can we mitigate these?
- Will ESG scores unfairly impact certain industries and harm field service operations?
- What could the impact of regulation on refurbished parts mean for field service revenues?
Bring your questions to genuine subject matter experts in two thirty minute fast paced Ask Me Anything sessions.
Great food, great company, perfect.
In the final session of the Field Service Symposium we bring discuss what are the three most important takeaways we can put in place when we return back to the office.
For those that don’t need to dash off we will stay together for one last drink so we can share our final thoughts and relax over a beer, wine or juice before we say our goodbyes.
Engaging sessions designed around discussion

A Field Service Event Focused On Meaningful Conversations For Field Service Leaders
The Field Service News Symposium is a new approach to field service events. Our focus is on meaningful discussions through guided peer-to-peer learning.
Therefore, at the ‘Symposium’ you won’t find a single presentation.
Instead you will discover the opportunity to work alongside your peers, to brainstorm solutions to the problems we all face in industry. You will find conversations that centre around best-practice. You will find the ideas that can help transform your service operations.
Read on to find out more…

A Field Service Event with Dedicated Space for BlueSky Thinking:
The Field Service News Think Tank sessions have become an increasingly important part of the dialogue in our industry and are at the top of the agenda in this unique field service event, reflecting the focus of the Field Service Symposium Retreat on meaningful discussion.
Each month we host an intimate online discussion group to discuss a key theme around a major issue we as an industry need to address. The conversations are held under Chatham House rule offering the participants the freedom to speak and think freely and share ideas with colleagues from different industry verticals. These sessions are available exclusively for our FSN PRO+ members and our Symposium Partners.
In addition to these monthly online sessions, at the Field Service News Symposium Retreat, multiple Think Tank groups will be running alongside each other, giving each of our members the opportunity to become part of the conversation, and at the end of the session the moderator of each group will give an executive summary of their group’s thoughts – so we can all take the learning from each of the discussions.
We focus on Delivering On Answers While Other Field Service Events Focus On Sales Pitches
The Field Service Symposium is a field service event designed with a focus on discussion-based problem solving for our delegates, not thinly veiled sales-pitches for solution providers.
However, we also understand how important it is to connect field service organisations with the companies who provide solutions that can genuinely help them.
With this in mind, our Industry AMA’s (Ask Me Anything) sessions are designed to allow you to tackle the issues you are facing head-on and seek the advice of those who are genuine subject matter experts and have hands on experience working with service organisations like yours to improve their service operations and overcome consistent challenges we face in our industry.
Prior to the event all symposium members are provided with the opportunity to outline the burning issues they want to discuss and you will be grouped with peers who are also facing the same challenges maximising your time with our industry experts.

Develop your own blueprint for real-world projects to drive field service efficiency…
On Day One of the Field Service Symposium you will attend a Field Service News Masterclass session.
The purpose of these hour and a half long sessions is for you to work alongside your peers, while being guided by a subject matter expert to work through a three phased approach that will allow you to map out how you can establish a blueprint to take away with you that will give you the foundations to implement a critical project within your own service operation.
Working in small groups of peers you will work through the process of:
- Identifying the current barriers to success your organisation faces
- Outlining where your organisation would be in your ideal vision
- Plotting the key steps your organisation needs to achieve this
In addition to the two live Masterclasses held at the Field Service Symposium Event, as an FSN PRO+ member you also have access to our industry leading on-demand Masterclasses which are designed to help you build your own blueprint for real-world projects.
Field Service Management Leaders Working Together To Solve Industry Problems…
Our Crowd Think sessions are some of the most dynamic and productive sessions you will find at any field service event across the globe. As with the Think Tank sessions we host regular online session that you can access as aN FSN PRO+ member.
At the Field Service Symposium Retreat we bring the wisdom of the all attendees together in a hugely engaging session that sees our members all working together to drive action points for how we can overcome a common issue our industry faces.
As with the Think Tank sessions we will be grouped into small discussion groups. However, while the purpose of Think Tank sessions is to facilitate open and free-flowing discussion and thinking, in the CrowdThink session each group is given the task of coming up with three key ideas within a particular subset of a problem.
Whilst your group is brainstorming ideas on your set problem, the other groups are each working on their own subset of the same broader challenge.
Consequently, at the end of the session, with each group reporting back as a collective we will have tackled multiple facets of one over-riding challenge we face as an industry.

This Years Venue: Lingfield Park Country Club and Spa
Creating an environment where great ideas can flourish and blue sky thinking feels perfectly natural…
Great discussions deserve an incredible backdrop…
Our focus with the Field Service Symposium, and what makes our event so unique is that everything is built around fostering great discussions for our community.
Now, in 2023 as we continue to build on that ethos and embrace the retreat concept all attendees will have access to continue those discussions not just in our arranged sessions but in the luxury of this beautiful Marriot Country Club.
Whether it is taking advantage of the complimentary access to the Spa, having a drink with friends and colleagues on the relaxing terrace, or taking the conversation out onto the golf course…

Coming together as a community isn't just about work, work, work...
Our ethos with the Field Service Symposium Retreat is to build an environment where great ideas can be openly shared and flourish. While the discussion based approach that we have refined over the last two years to build a program of content that will really drive great discussions, we also realise that a big part of what triggers those great discussions is the trust we have in each other as a community.
So this year we are adding two distinct nights where we can come together as a group, get to know each other better and build some awesome memories.
On the night of the 10th… Drinks, Dinner and Pecha Kucha?
We will get together for an informal pre-event drinks and buffet – all with the backdrop of a Pecha Kuka battle. For the uninitiated Pecha Kuka is best described as Karaoke meets PowerPoint – so not only will it scratch the itch of any of you that will miss the ‘Death By PowerPoint’ style of other conferences (The Symposium Hall is a PowerPoint free zone!) but there will be plenty of talking points to break the ice for sure!
On the night of the 11th… Pub Quiz, Cocktail Classes and Horse Racing
To celebrate our beautiful English Countryside location, on the night of the 12th we will be combining a sit down evening meal with a traditional pub quiz. However, while on the surface the framework may be traditional there are a number of elements added in to give us our own unique take on things – including cocktail making rounds hosted by our own Editor-in-Chief, Kris Oldland (he used to be a pretty handy bartender back in the day) and an option to bet all your points at the end of each round at the races (Lingfield Park is an iconic horse racing destination).
Oh, and its all on us…
The only thing that could make two nights of great fun with a great community better would be two nights of great fun with a great community for free. Oh, we did we tell you we’re picking up the tab? Cool so we’ll see you there?!
But why wait until October to start great conversations?
This is where we at Field Service News would humbly like to point out that, while there are some great industry events (you’ll find us at most of them!) the platform we have built for our FSN PRO+ members goes far beyond a one off event and is designed to drive real discussions all year round.
As an FSN PRO+ member you get access to our weekly online discussion groups hosted on Zoom, our private Networking Platform where you can connect with peers and engage in the forums AND for those who register in time you can join us for our Symposium Retreat – all within the cost of your membership (which also includes full access to our entire resource library and over 60 courses in the FSN Education Portal.
If you are already an FSN PRO+ member then you will find access below to reserve your place, book your room and if you need help with flights we even offer a concierge service to help you with your travel.
If you’ve yet to join, then you can find out more on the button below and sign up online today for either £150/month or £1,500/year.