The general maturity of field service companies in terms of Fleet Technology
In this exclusive debrief session we explore the data from an FSN Research study into the alignment of field service operations and fleet management…
Having conducted an extensive research study hosted between FSN Research and GPS Insight, into the relationship between field service operations and fleet management, Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News and Steve Mason, General Manager, Field Service, GPS Insight take a detailed exploration of what the findings mean for the field service industry.
Having already explored the study’s findings in terms of maturity in FSM technology, the two now take a closer look at the trends relating to technological maturity of the same organisations when it comes to fleet management technology.
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- READ: More about GPS Insight’s unique blend of field service management and fleet management tools
- CONNECT: With Steve Mason, General Manager, GPS Insight
- READ: The full report discussed in this debrief (requires FSN FREE)
- ACCESS: Over 35 resources on FSM Technology (requires FSN PRO)
- ACCESS: Over 65 resources on Digitalisation in Field Service (requires FSN PRO)
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