Beyond the Data: Benchmarking the New Normal from Year Zero
Having conducted an extensive research study in partnership with FieldAware, we explored how the field service sector has reacted, adapted and evolved in the wake of the pandemic that swept across the world in 2020.
In the headline findings of that initial research study, we saw a number of key new trends emerging, most notably the widespread adoption of remote services. At the same time, also saw existing trends such as a growing shift towards servitization and maturation of IoT use become accelerated as we all adapted to unprecedented challenges.
Having published both our preliminary report and filmed a debrief session that extrapolated further insight from that rich data set, Field Service News Research has returned to a selection of our respondents in a series of in-depth interviews to unearth the crucial considerations emerging beneath these headline findings. We have now completed our second phase of this critical research study.
Here in this second report, we are pleased to share with you insights from both the in-depth debrief session and the series of follow up interviews, to help you as a field service management professional have as complete a picture as possible of the seismic changes our industry is set to move through in the coming years.
Each of the 32 participants interviewed in this second phase of the discussion agreed to speak to Field Service New Research under the promise of anonymity to allow them to comment freely and in some cases the regions or industries those who have spoken to us have been altered to protect their identity as they work for high profile service organisations.
The ability to allow our respondents to speak freely though has allowed us to present to you a report that has a depth of insight driven by honest and open thoughts from some of the field service sectors leading organisations. We hope you find this report useful as we build the new normal together.
Beyond the Data: Benchmarking the New Normal from Year Zero
Having conducted an extensive research study in partnership with FieldAware, we explored how the field service sector has reacted, adapted and evolved in the wake of the pandemic that swept across the world in 2020.
In the headline findings of that initial research study, we saw a number of key new trends emerging, most notably the widespread adoption of remote services. At the same time, also saw existing trends such as a growing shift towards servitization and maturation of IoT use become accelerated as we all adapted to unprecedented challenges.
Having published both our preliminary report and filmed a debrief session that extrapolated further insight from that rich data set, Field Service News Research has returned to a selection of our respondents in a series of in-depth interviews to unearth the crucial considerations emerging beneath these headline findings. We have now completed our second phase of this critical research study.
Here in this second report, we are pleased to share with you insights from both the in-depth debrief session and the series of follow up interviews, to help you as a field service management professional have as complete a picture as possible of the seismic changes our industry is set to move through in the coming years.
Each of the 32 participants interviewed in this second phase of the discussion agreed to speak to Field Service New Research under the promise of anonymity to allow them to comment freely and in some cases the regions or industries those who have spoken to us have been altered to protect their identity as they work for high profile service organisations.
The ability to allow our respondents to speak freely though has allowed us to present to you a report that has a depth of insight driven by honest and open thoughts from some of the field service sectors leading organisations. We hope you find this report useful as we build the new normal together.