Interview: Cool or Tool? What You Should Look for When Selecting a Head-Worn Computer. Ft. Chris Parkinson, RealWear (2021)

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News speaks with Dr. Chris Parkinson, CTO and Founder, Realwear, about the important considerations field service companies must make when selecting head-worn devices that can give their engineers essential information about the assets they are working on while allowing them to work hands-free.



Areas of discussion include: The rapid rise of Realwear as a major solution provider to the field service sector, Important considerations when selecting head-worn devices for your field service engineers, Why the discussions around ruggedness we are well used to in field service must apply to wearables also, Should head-worn devices used in the field be tethered or not? Why the difference between smart glasses and head-worn computers is important in a field service context

This content are available to all FSN members on our FSN PRO or FSN PRO + memberships. If you are already have a valid membership then make sure you are logged-in to gain access (if you are logged-in you will see a green button below this message).  

Interview: Cool or Tool? What You Should Look for When Selecting a Head-Worn Computer. Ft. Chris Parkinson, RealWear (2021)

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News speaks with Dr. Chris Parkinson, CTO and Founder, Realwear, about the important considerations field service companies must make when selecting head-worn devices that can give their engineers essential information about the assets they are working on while allowing them to work hands-free.



Areas of discussion include: The rapid rise of Realwear as a major solution provider to the field service sector, Important considerations when selecting head-worn devices for your field service engineers, Why the discussions around ruggedness we are well used to in field service must apply to wearables also, Should head-worn devices used in the field be tethered or not? Why the difference between smart glasses and head-worn computers is important in a field service context

This content are available to all FSN members on our FSN PRO or FSN PRO + memberships. If you are already have a valid membership then make sure you are logged-in to gain access (if you are logged-in you will see a green button below this message).  
