The relationship between Field and Fleet (2023)
In this exclusive debrief session we explore the data from an FSN Research study into the alignment of field service operations and fleet management…
Having conducted an extensive research study hosted between FSN Research and GPS Insight, into the relationship between field service operations and fleet management, Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News and Steve Mason, General Manager, Field Service, GPS Insight take a detailed exploration of what the findings mean for the field service industry.
Included in the discussion are the following talking points:
- Should we consider field service technicians professional drivers?
- What are average levels of maturity in field service organisations technology?
- Can some companies leap from over legacy FSM systems?
- What are the general levels of fleet tech maturity for field service organisations?
- How often is data shared across field and fleet?
- Will sustainability targets drive us towards field service excellence?
- Do data lakes make it easier to share data across field and fleet?
- Should fleet management be split across different business units?
- Why are we missing so much ‘low-hanging fruit’ when it come to integrating field and fleet?
This interview is part of the FSN PRO library of premium content but for a limited period it is available on our forever-free subscription tier FSN FREE thanks to our partner on this project GPS Insight.
The relationship between Field and Fleet (2023)
In this exclusive debrief session we explore the data from an FSN Research study into the alignment of field service operations and fleet management…
Having conducted an extensive research study hosted between FSN Research and GPS Insight, into the relationship between field service operations and fleet management, Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News and Steve Mason, General Manager, Field Service, GPS Insight take a detailed exploration of what the findings mean for the field service industry.
Included in the discussion are the following talking points:
- Should we consider field service technicians professional drivers?
- What are average levels of maturity in field service organisations technology?
- Can some companies leap from over legacy FSM systems?
- What are the general levels of fleet tech maturity for field service organisations?
- How often is data shared across field and fleet?
- Will sustainability targets drive us towards field service excellence?
- Do data lakes make it easier to share data across field and fleet?
- Should fleet management be split across different business units?
- Why are we missing so much ‘low-hanging fruit’ when it come to integrating field and fleet?
This interview is part of the FSN PRO library of premium content but for a limited period it is available on our forever-free subscription tier FSN FREE thanks to our partner on this project GPS Insight.
This content are available to all FSN members on our FSN PRO or FSN PRO + memberships. If you are already have a valid membership then make sure you are logged-in to gain access (if you are logged-in you will see a green button below this message).