Seven Key Takeaways when comparing the UK to the rest of the world
In the final article from our series of comparative analyses across a global study and a follow-up UK study hosted by Field Service News Research in partnership with HSO, we offer seven key conclusions.
Having compared the data from these two separate studies we can now make the following conclusions.
#1. Many of the trends we have seen in the original report on the global study have been reinforced by the UK data. In particular, the importance of customer service metrics as indicators of strong operational performance and retaining existing business. However, amongst UK companies there is less of a pronounced belief that strong customer service metrics are an indicator of winning new business.
#2. In terms of monitoring CSAT metrics, there appears to be greater use of automated/digital collection of data amongst UK field service companies. In particular, UK companies are ahead of the curve in terms of social media monitoring and prefer electronic means of collecting feedback from customers.
#3. In terms of technology adoption, there appears to be a concerted effort to both give customers more control and easier access to arranging service calls and providing them greater visibility and this appears more pronounced amongst UK field service organisations.
#4. While both studies indicate a prevalence of underlying technologies in place within field service organisations, the UK study suggests that UK based field service organisations are slightly less developed on the whole. However, further study of this data suggests this could be the result of the UK previously had been at a more mature point on the adoption curve prior to the pandemic.
#5. This assessment would appear to be backed up by the fact that in terms of accelerated digital transformation, UK companies are less likely to have accelerated digital transformation plans since the pandemic but more likely to have already been on the path towards digital transformation prior to the pandemic.
#6. In terms of reactive to proactive service delivery, the UK is slightly more reactive than the global data set. Similarly, UK companies are slightly less likely to have implemented an advanced services strategy than those companies within the global data set.
#7. However, amongst those UK companies that have introduced a layer of servitization, there is a significantly greater number who have done so at the request of their customers. This would suggest that the UK market is more primed than the wider global markets for the adoption of servitized business models.
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This Field Service News Research study is sponsored by HSO

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