Where is the Return on Investment when it comes to remote service strategies?
Where is the Return on Investment when it comes to remote service strategies? At the December 2023 Copperrberg Service Academy, Izzy...
The technology stack underpinning Konica Minolta’s remote service strategy
The technology stack underpinning Konica Minolta’s remote service strategy At the December 2023 Copperrberg Service Academy, Izzy...
Do remote service strategies need to be different depending on the industry vertical they are being deployed into?
Do remote service strategies need to be different depending on the industry vertical they are being deployed into? At the December 2023...
The common threads that have been successful in remote service have followed
The common threads that have been successful in remote service have followed At the December 2023 Copperrberg Service Academy, Izzy Sanchez...
What were the drivers for adopting a remote first strategy for Konica Minolta?
Do we need different strategies for remote service when working with third-party field workforces? At the December 2023 Copperrberg Service...
Do we need different strategies for remote service when working with third-party field workforces?
Do we need different strategies for remote service when working with third-party field workforces? At the December 2023 Copperrberg Service...
The organizational structure Konica Minolta adopted when rolling out remote service
The organizational structure Konica Minolta adopted when rolling out remote service At the December 2023 Copperrberg Service Academy, Izzy...