How to Make the Right Decision For Your Organisation
Artificial intelligence is becoming an essential tool for the service sector — aiding in everything from service delivery and customer support, to employee training.
With nearly 50% of companies reporting that they’ve adopted AI in at least one business function, trends indicate that tech-forward companies are past figuring out if they should lean on AI’s capabilities. Instead, they’re figuring out when they’ll make the investment and how they will implement it.
As companies weigh the pros and cons of adoption, an even bigger question arises: is it better to build a solution in-house or buy it from a vendor?
Ultimately, the questions you should consider are:
· Which option delivers maximum organizational benefit?
· What is the difference in deployment time for building vs. buying?
· How much will it cost to build vs. buy?
· What internal resources or additional consultants will be needed for each option?
· If a quick-to-implement solution fits your organization’s needs, will it offer better ROI in comparison to building a perfect, custom solution that may take twice as much time and resources?
It’s about what offers the biggest benefit to your organization. Here are a few expert tips for figuring out which path is the best fit.
Building an AI Solution
● Customization: You can reduce overhead costs by building a solution that’s just right for your company, skipping any unnecessary features.Buying an AI Solution
● Cost Effective: AI vendors are the experts. They already have a dedicated/established team and the knowledge needed to pull off a huge launch — no outsourcing necessary.I’ve made a decision. What’s next?
Once you’ve made your choice in the age-old buy-or-build debate, the next step is to get your stakeholders on board. Luckily, we wrote the blueprint for success.
Check out our latest eBook, How to Secure Buy-In for Service Transformation Projects, for expert recommendations on getting even the most skeptical executives to see your AI vision.