Do we need different strategies for remote service when working with third-party field workforces?
At the December 2023 Copperrberg Service Academy, Izzy Sanchez Jr, Director of Service and Support Systems, Konica Minolta, North America, shared how they were developing and adapting to a world of remote service, including outlining the approach they have taken, the tools they are using and how they are shifting to a remote-first approach across both their internal and third-party workforces.
In this excerpt from that full discussion, the two turn their attention to the reasons why Konica Minolta moved to a remote-first approach. Was it to improve service triage, provide greater support to the field service teams, or reduce costs? Or to improve mean-time-to-repair for the customer?
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More from Izzy Sanchez and Konica Minolta Team
- Read: White Paper: Building an effective service model with remote service as the default
- Watch: Interview: Remote Service as a new default for service delivery.
- Watch: Understanding the transition to remote service delivery from the technician’s perspective
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More from the FSN PRO Library (requires FSN PRO/PRO+):
- Watch: Interview: Cool or Tool? What You Should Look for When Selecting a Head-Worn Computer
- Read: White Paper: Beyond Remote Service: Is Now the Time to Redefine Service Delivery?
- Watch: Think Tank Debrief: The New Frontiers Of Field Service
- Watch: White Paper: Beyond the Theory: A Practical Exploration of Existing Usage of Augmented Reality in Field Service
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