Tag: Aberdeen

Service Strategy

Focus on the customer, they hold the keys to success

Whilst technology drives innovation within our industry, we must not forget the basic fundamentals of field service, namely putting the customer at the heart of everything we do writes Aberdeen Group’s Aly Pinder…

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Digital Transformation

Don’t give me more data, give me actionable data

Aberdeen’s Aly Pinder asks are we smarter than we were in the past, or do we just have better access to data?

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FSM Technology

ServiceMax Accelerates Field Service Business Results with Spring ‘16 Release

New products include Service Performance Metrics, the mobile Field Service app, and Catalyst, a new implementation package based on industry best practices

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#FSN20, Feature, Service Leadership

#fsn20 The twenty most influential people in field service (2016)

The 20 most influential people in field service: 2016 edition Field service is going through a period of incredible change currently with...

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Digital Transformation

3D Printing: Is it a viable field service delivery tool?

The hyperbole around 3D printing has died down but can it be a viable tool in field service? Aberdeen Group’s Aly Pinder takes a closer look

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Digital Transformation

What Does a Toddler, a Grandmother, and a Technician have in common?

Aberdeen’s Aly Pinder explores the all pervasive nature of the modern mobile and its impact on field service

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Service Strategy

The field service team: the power to drive customer service forward

What is the value of a customer relationship? Is it worth it to over-deliver on SLAs just to keep a paying client? What role does field service have in keeping customers happy? Aly Pinder, senior research analyst analyst, Service Management, Aberdeen Group,  shares his views.

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#FSN20, Feature, Service Leadership

#fsn20 The twenty most influential people in field service (2015)

The 20 most influential people in field service: 2015 edition Across December and January we asked our readers to nominate candidates for...

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Service Operations

Field Service companies leveraging performance analytics gain competitive advantage Aberdeen report reveals

A recently published study from Aberdeen Group commissioned by Trimble FSM has found that the best-performing field service organisations are extremely focused on improving service, and to achieve that, they are leveraging performance analytics to launch new initiatives and enhance existing ones. As a result, they are reaching higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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