How to Get the Pulse of the Customer Before the NPS Score
Kris Oldland talks to Aquant’s Sidney Lara to find out more about this critical area of modern service excellence.
E-Book: Beyond NPS – How AI Creates Memorable Customer Experiences
e-Book: Beyond NPS – How AI Creates Memorable Customer Experiences (2021) Effortless interactions are the key to winning hearts and...
4 Foolproof Steps to Kick Off a Tech Deployment
In this new article by Aquant, we look at a step-by-step approach that all service leaders should consider to ensure a smooth tech deployment.
The Ongoing Generational Shift in the Service Workforce
The Ongoing Generational Shift in the Service Workforce In the first article of a series of excerpts from a recent white paper published by...
Your Housing Group Chooses Fast Lean Smart Dynamic Scheduling Solution to Optimise Efficiency and Customer Experience
Your Housing Group (YHG), one of the UK’s largest housing providers with 28,000 homes, is set to transform the efficiency of their field...
Industry Spotlight: Healthcare at Home
Industry Spotlight: Healthcare at Home In our Industry Spotlight series of videos, we look at field service operations and technology...
The Skills Gap, Illustrated
The Skills Gap, Illustrated In a new series of excerpts from a recent white paper published by Aquant we uncover how field service...
White Paper: The 2020 Service Intelligence Benchmark Report
White Paper: The 2020 Service Intelligence Benchmark Report (2020) This data report published by Aquant, now available at Field...
Aquant Announces Intelligent Warranty Audit to Accelerate Service Transformation
Aquant created Intelligent Warranty Audit., an AI-driven product that enables organizations to leverage large amounts of warranty data, reducing service costs through faster, more accurate claims processing.
The Key Driver for 3D Systems Adoption of AI
Mark Hessinger of 3D Systems talks about why they have embraced Artificial Intelligence to improve their field service operations