Is the inherent value a field service engineer brings to an organisation likely to change as service thinking evolves?
The members of our Think Tank offer up their insight into the impact digitalisation will have on field service operations and interactions
Will the field service engineers and technicians of the future have a different skill-set of those we employ today?
ThinkTank Reflections: Will the field service engineers and technicians of the future have a different skill-set of those we employ today?...
Think Tank Sessions: How will regulations drive digital transformation requirements for field service companies?
In this Think Tank we take a deeper dive into regulations and how will they drive digital transformation requirements for field service companies.
Think Tank Sessions: What is effective data use in field service?
Access the exclusive Field Service News Think Tank Sessions Executive Briefing report as we reflect on a very robust conversation around the effective use of asset data in field service
The internal and external factors impacting the effective use of data
We reflect on how there are both internal and external factors that are impacting the way that field service organisations are able to effectively utilise data that must be taken into consideration.
What do our customers expect in terms of data use?
We turn our attention away from the internal challenges of data ownership and validity towards understanding how our customers expect us to use data to serve them better.
The importance of establishing a use case for asset data
We focus on the importance of establishing a clear use case for the application of data within the service operation.
What is the Role of the non-OEM in Servitization
What is the Role of the non-OEM in Servitization Whilst companies shift from strictly new product sales to instead selling the outcome a...
What is The Motivation of Customers
What is the Motivation of Customers By proactively eliminating potential customer problems and proactively fixing those that arise,...
Service Consolidation
Service Consolidation Depending on the complexity of projects it may be optimal to consolidate the various service providers under the...