remote services

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Digital Transformation, Feature, Service Strategy

The organizational structure Konica Minolta adopted when rolling out remote service

The organizational structure Konica Minolta adopted when rolling out remote service At the December 2023 Copperrberg Service Academy, Izzy...

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Digital Transformation, Feature, Service Strategy

Do remote service strategies need to be different depending on the industry vertical they are being deployed into?

Do remote service strategies need to be different depending on the industry vertical they are being deployed into? At the December 2023...

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Digital Transformation

Monetising the Impact of the IoT in Field Service

Bill Pollock, President, Strategies for GrowthSM tackles one of the biggest questions smart Field Service Directors are asking themselves today – how to make money from IoT based field service delivery…

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Feature, Service Strategy

The Technology Driving Effective Knowledge Transfer in Field Service Management

In this feature from a recent white paper, published in partnership with Gomocha, we explore some of the key technologies that can be used to support effective knowledge transfer in field service management

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Digital Transformation, Feature, Service Strategy

The technology stack underpinning Konica Minolta’s remote service strategy

The technology stack underpinning Konica Minolta’s remote service strategy At the December 2023 Copperrberg Service Academy, Izzy...

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Digital Symposium, Premium Resources, Research

Research Debrief: Hilbrand Rustema, Noventum, on Best-in-Class Adoption of Remote Service (2021)

Kris Oldland, Editor-in-Chief, Field Service News is joined by Hilbrand Rustema of Noventum to discuss the findings of research into remote service

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Feature, FSN Research

Identifying the biggest change in the industry for field service providers

We know that our industry has changed significantly after the events of the last two years. However, have we just seen the acceleration of a journey down a path we were already on?

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Feature, Service Strategy

Four Service Scenarios: #1 The Equipment-Centric Scenario

We discuss what an equipment-centric service scenario, one of four that Gartner outlines as dominant in field service, actually looks like

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Feature, Service Strategy

Field Service Think Tank Sessions: Service Engineers as Ambassadors

At the inaugural Field Service News Think Tank Session the focus of the conversation was focused on the increasing value of the field...

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Digital Transformation, News

Service Max Launches Connected Field Service

Service management software specialist ServiceMax has launched  Connected Field Service,  a complete Internet of Things (IoT) solution...

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