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Feature, FSN Research

Understanding what effective use of asset data looks like

In this phase of our research study, conducted in partnership with ServiceMax, we shifted our attention towards how field service companies were utilizing data within their organization.

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Feature, FSN Research, Home

A period of transition where asset data is collected through multiple sources

In our research study, conducted in partnership with ServiceMax, we analyze how service organizations are collecting asset data through multiple sources.

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Feature, Service Leadership

What do we need the next generation of field service leaders to understand? 

Experts from Aquant, Salesforce, ServiceMax and Syncron give us their perspective on this complex topic.

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Feature, Service Operations

Do we still have a supply chain hangover after the pandemic?

We focus on the impact the pandemic and subsequent lock-downs had on the global supply chain and ask if there are things we can do today to be prepared for such situations returning in the future.

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Digital Transformation, Feature, Think Tank Sessions

Think Tank Debrief: The New Surge To Remote Service

Syncron’s Sarang Sambare reflects on the discussions the service leaders attending the 2022 Field Service Symposium held around the widespread shift to remote service in our industry.

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Feature, Service Strategy, Think Tank Sessions

Think Tank Debrief: The Challenging Cycle of Field Service Recruitment

Great Insights From Syncron’s Sarang Sambare Reflecting On Discussions At The Field Service Symposium About The Challenges Of A Field Service Workforce Crisis

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Digital Transformation, Feature, Think Tank Sessions

Are Field Service Companies Drowning in Data?

Syncron’s Sarang Sarambe and ServiceNow’s Kevin Herring Discuss How Field Service Leaders Can Overcome The Challenge Of Drowning In Data?

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Digital Transformation, Think Tank Sessions

ThinkTank Debrief: We Need Better Data in Field Service

ServiceNow’s Kevin Herring tackles the critical question that came from the two-days discussions at the Field Service Symposium – do we need better data in field service?

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Service Strategy, Think Tank Sessions

ThinkTank Debrief: The Urgent Need To Change Customer Mindsets

Great Insight From ServiceNow’s Kevin Herring On How We Need To Work On Evolving Customer Mindsets As We Move Into An Era Of Post-Pandemic Field Service

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Service Strategy, Think Tank Sessions

ThinkTank Debrief: The Urgent Danger of A Workforce Crisis

ServiceNow’s Keving Herring Who Outlines Why The Big Issue The Field Service Sector Faces is All That There Is A Distinct Workforce Shortage In Field Service

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