remote services

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Think Tank Sessions

Moving to a World of Remote First Resolution

Moving to a World of Remote First Resolution One of the critical responses to the impact of the pandemic was the shift to remote...

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Feature, FSN Research

Are We Optimising Our Most Valuable Assets – Our Staff?

Why overlooking management is a costly mistake. Across all service-centric sectors, a universal maxim is that an organisation’s most...

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Digital Transformation, Feature

Why the adoption of remote service began long before the pandemic for Konica Minolta

Why the adoption of remote service began long before the pandemic for Konica Minolta Konica Minolta’s Ged Cranny, Zdenek Vrbka and...

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Feature, Service Strategy

Reactive-Proactive-Servitized. Is this the natural evolutionary path of service design?

Reactive-Proactive-Servitized. Is this the natural evolutionary path of service design?

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Digital Transformation, Feature

Understanding Virtual Field Service: Is Remote First the Default of the New Normal?

One of the undeniable impacts of the COVID19 pandemic has been the shift towards far more widespread use of remote service delivery....

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Digital Transformation, Feature

Konica Minolta on why remote-first became their default

Konica Minolta on why remote-first became their default. Konica Minolta’s Ged Cranny, Zdenek Vrbka and Laszlo Szilas-Neff join Field...

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#FSN20, Feature, Service Strategy

Why remote-service as a default must be outlined at the pre-contract stage of a service agreement

Why remote-service as a default must be outlined at the pre-contract stage of a service agreement The #FSN20 is Field Service News’...

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Digital Transformation, FSM Technology

Is Remote Visual Support a Threat or an Opportunity for Field Service Teams?

COVID-19 turned working life as we know it on its head from one day to the next. It hugely accelerated the necessity of a digital...

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Feature, Service Strategy

How Connected Field Service Can Transform Customer Experience

In the first excerpt from a recent e-book sponsored by Salesforce, and now available at Field Service News, we look at how connected field service can transform customer and employee experience.

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Feature, Home, Service Strategy

A Deeper View for Bigger Problems

In this feature from a recent white paper sponsored by Salesforce, we discuss why having deeper, more nuanced information is important for field service workers.

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